Newspaper series brings sensitivities to light

Handling sensitive content, navigating new relationships among challenges Unite Rochester ran a couple of stories in June around a flashpoint issue: people part of a Bhutanese and Nepalese refugee community feeling targeted and preyed on by African-Americans expressed mounting anger that was about to hit a breaking point. The refugees had been reluctant to go … Continue reading Newspaper series brings sensitivities to light

Editorial ‘listening tours’ engage community in creating change

By Jennifer Neutel ‘I don’t know if we can ever declare victory, but the train has left the station’ When the editorial board at the Democrat and Chronicle embarked on hosting “listening tours” — encouraging readers to attend various meetings and discuss community issues related to race and poverty — initially only a handful of … Continue reading Editorial ‘listening tours’ engage community in creating change

Newspaper and coalition bringing information, energy to racial equity

By Jennifer Neutel ‘We are having the kinds of conversations that we dreamed of having’ When Kate Bennett was on the golf course last week, a woman asked what she can do to help Rochester’s effort to create awareness and positive dialogue around racial inequity. “Not a day goes by when I’m not talking about … Continue reading Newspaper and coalition bringing information, energy to racial equity

Rochester news organization builds inclusive conversation on race

By Jennifer Neutel ‘They aren’t just speaking with the bully pulpit of the editorial page,’ says community partner The Democrat and Chronicle’s current exploration into racial issues in Rochester, N.Y. is strengthened by the organization’s dedication to diversity and inclusion in its own newsroom and hiring, says Jennifer Leonard. Leonard is president and CEO of the … Continue reading Rochester news organization builds inclusive conversation on race

Newspaper’s community-wide race conversations opening up dialogue

By Jennifer Neutel Community partner applauds news organization for ‘stepping out’ The YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County’s work on eliminating racism and empowering women is boosted by being a community partner of Unite Rochester, says Jean Carroll, the association’s president and CEO. The association is “absolutely thrilled” to be in conversation with people on … Continue reading Newspaper’s community-wide race conversations opening up dialogue

Unite Rochester seeks to effect positive change

By Jennifer Neutel News organization engaging residents, raising awareness of racial inequities A “Listening Tour” on racial inequity hosted by the Democrat and Chronicle’s editorial board has engaged more than 150 community members and political leaders, and is beginning to lead to direct changes in the community. In one instance, a town supervisor said he … Continue reading Unite Rochester seeks to effect positive change

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