San Francisco Public Press coalesces community to take on affordable housing crisis

The San Francisco Public Press took their reporting on the issue of affordable housing in the Bay Area in a new direction Friday by bringing together housing-policy visionaries, advocates, experts and activists to Hack the Housing Crisis.

BqCheurCcAAK3Z6.jpg-large-768x576The broad range of ideas and initiatives, which included everything from increasing legal support for evictions, lowering costs with off-site factory built housing, and building “houselets” in public space attracted a sold-out crowd of 140 people.

This Storify curated by the Public Press features tweets from throughout the day’s event.

“We’re having a great time coming up with solution ideas that are new, specific, creative, simple, achievable and well researched,” said Executive Director and Editor Michael Stoll. “The exciting thing is to get the community’s reaction to them before we are finished with the reporting process.”

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