The Engagement Hub is an interactive platform to support peer-to-peer learning among people in news organizations who want to more authentically connect with their communities. The hub works by involving its members in sharing stories and resources, connecting with each other as learning partners, and developing their skills for engaging community.
Tell us if your news organization is engaging with your community about the unfolding story in Ferguson, Missouri. You can email it to
Questions you might address:
- What have you done or are you considering doing to engage your community regarding Ferguson?
- What inspired you to do it?
- What concerns or barriers did you overcome in deciding to do something and how did you overcome them?
- What have been the outcomes so far?
- If you considered doing something and decided against it, why was that?
- What advice do you have for others?
- What questions do you have for others?
This is a learning moment for all of us in journalism. Thank you for being part of it.