“Four aspects of successful engagement: the use of new tools and strategies; the ability to reach a broad spectrum of people; notable outcomes; and sustained efforts and structures…Despite the acknowledged importance of technology however, most strong civic engagement efforts are still rooted in opportunities for in-person gatherings to share ideas, narrow options and come to consensus on a recommended path.
[A] catalytic role may be to help different kinds of engagement leaders understand each other, identify common goals and work together.”
-Christopher Hoene, Christopher Kingsley, and Matthew Heighninger, Bright Spots in Community Engagement
Bright Spots in Community Engagement [Report] — A partnership between the Knight Foundation and the National League of Cities from 2011 which explored community engagement pilots in Austin, Chicago, Detroit and Philadelphia.
Scope, Scale, and Sustainability: What It Takes to Create Lasting Community Change [Report] — Authors Tina Trent and David Chavis examined eleven comprehensive community initiatives for the Annie E. Casey Foundation to identify lessons that contribute to success: use a systems- and community-change framework; choose focused and affordable strategies; learn to use data; prepare for change and conflict.